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agency's  been  closed  for  repairs  but  where's  the  river  got to? It
couldn't have gone underground."
    He was  longing to  get the  river and  hunt for  the steamer's tracks
along its banks and stand on  the spot where the gangway had  been lowered
and recall exactly how everything  had happened. You see, you  always feel
better when you remember something pleasant. And, besides, Alex still  had
a tiny glimmer of  hope left. The steamer  just might turn up,  after all,
for all sorts of wonderful things can happen in fairy-tales.
    He walked on for  at least another hour  and could now only  just make
out the town on the horizon behind him.  The grass was swaying all  around
but there was still no sign of the river.
    "No, I'll never make  it," he realised and  felt so miserable that  he
could not walk  a step further.   He stopped and  (to tell you  the truth)
almost burst into  tears. I say  "almost" because the  tears welled up  in
his eyes and hung on his lashes and silver spots of sunlight flared up  in
them.   Alex blinked  angrily to  shake them  off and  they vanished.  All
except one - a brilliant little  star which soared up and began  sparkling
in the bright-blue sky.
    Alex blinked  again and  again but  the white  spark blazed  even more
brightly high above. Then  all of a sudden  he heard a quiet  but distinct
whirring noise  breaking through  the silence,  chirring grasshoppers  and
rustling grass.
    Alex's heart  leapt. He  ran towards  the spark,  stopped for a moment
then ran  on again.  The silver  spark was  getting bigger  and bigger and
growing delicate dragonfly wings.
    "The Pilot..." Alex whispered joyfully. "Why, it's the Pilot!"
    He could see the plane getting  bigger and bigger as it came  straight
towards him.
    "What a good thing it is I  put my sailor suit on," he thought.   "The
Pilot would never have spotted me in the grass in my green shirt!"
    And then Alex became frightened  for it suddenly occurred to  him that
the Pilot might not recognise him in his ironed suit!
    So he  rushed towards  the plane,  found a  place where  the grass was
slightly shorter, fell flat  on his back and  stretched out his arms  in a
letter "T".
    Blades  of  grass  were  fluttering  over  his  face  and  the sun was
dazzling his  eyes, but  even so  through grass  and rays  of sunlight  he
caught  sight  of  a  large  slender-winged  bird  swooping  down straight
towards him from a great height: it was the plane belonging to the  little
Pilot, Anton Topolkov.

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